Wednesday, 24 December 2014

A very special Christmas greeting by a lovely messenger....

Just like every year I've been making Christmas cards to send to family and friends. Gathered with all I need around me at the dinner table the creative process usually takes off.
But this year I've never been so distracted as ever before - all by the view through my french doors into the garden.
Since a couple of weeks there's a Robin who visits my garden very frequently during the day and has never before made its appearance.

It's a lovely thing to happen after what has been quite a memorable year with a loss without a proper goodbye.
For those who follow my blog for some time now will know that I've lost my mum last May but actually lost her long before - as you can read here in a previous post ....

Because it was her Birthday recently, Christmas coming up and by some other recent events my mum was more on my mind than usual.
I think that is why I'm very sensitive to the visits of this beautiful bird and the myth that goes with it.
The story goes that when a Robin visit you often, a loved one in heaven is trying to say
"hello - I'm with you "

This is the little one ....

Not shy at all ....

Takes a bath in the pond ....

And possession of the garbage bin ....

Checking out the house facilities ....

And even doing a bit of sunbathing ....

I think after reading my post about my mum you won't be surprised why it's such a comforting thought - that little Robin that feels so very at home in my garden ....

Despite of being very fussed with making pictures (it's so very addictive) I miraculously managed to finish my cards in time so everyone luckily received theirs before Christmas.
Although I've got lovely comments on my handmade card I couldn't resist to share this cutie instead.

Wish all you lovely people a very merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

And let's be honest - isn't she picture-postcard ....

Have a lovely Christmas Eve! 



  1. Beautiful photos. I'm sorry for the loss of your mother. The story of the robin is lovely, and I was first introduced to it in C.S. Lewis' The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, because he wrote that it was a good bird. Well, when I researched the robin I discovered the story.

  2. Zo mooi en herkenbaar....
    Ik wens jou en je mooie gezinnetje een liefdevol,warm eindejaar en een prachtig 2015!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Met tranen in m'n ogen heb ik de post van je moeder gelezen, jouw geval heeft tijd veel wonden genezen.
    En als je dan die lieve foto ziet van jou en je moeder...daar spreekt toch liefde uit...
    Wat natuurlijk extra bijzonder is dat je het met je zussen zo goed kunt vinden. Hoeveel families vallen niet uit elkaar omdat het te moeilijk is om mee geconfronteerd te worden.
    Jullie hebben er lering uit getrokken en wilden het anders doen. CHAPEAU!
    Het is prachtig om te lezen hoe je door het roodborstje weer even zo met je moeder verweven bent.
    Hou dat vast want het geeft je troost en het maakt niet uit wat anderen daar van vinden.
    Ik wens jou en je gezin en je zussen een mooi en liefdevol 2015 toe.

    Alle liefs MJ

    ps wat is je engels goed zeg! GREAT

  5. Beautiful story Anita ♥ I am so happy sweet Robin dwells in your garden. Such a beauty!

  6. Hello dear Anita... so sorry you lost your mama... and of course that little Robin is carrying a message to you from her... in Native American belief, all birds are messengers to the Divine... and your little Robin is so sweet... I found your beautiful blog through your instagram link and am signing on to follow you... xoxo... Julie Marie
